Online registration is open through June 2nd. Click HERE to get started. District Boundaries
2023-24 EMSD School Year Calendar 2023-24 School Supply Lists
It is the time of year when the state of Illinois administers the 5 Essentials survey to parents, students, and staff in all schools in Illinois. Parent feedback is very importan...
Please take a moment to watch the following video regarding EMSD e-Learning Days. e-Learning Days replace snow/emergency days. If EMSD is to use an e-Learning day, you will be no...
We know that celebrations in school offer an opportunity for celebrating and building community, and we want to be sure that these celebrations offer opportunities for all stu...
Monday, October 24, 2022
Dear East Moline School District Families:
This year all of our elementary schools will be celebrating fall festival activities on Friday, Oct...
District 37 families,
Every child, every day, in every way - that’s the East Moline way. We believe every child entrusted to our care deserves our best support academically a...
August 8, 2022
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Visitors of EMSD #37,
The East Moline School District is pleased to announce that starting in August we will begin using the R...
ESSER III, also known as "The American Rescue Plan Emergency and Secondary School Emergency Relief", fund provides states and school districts help to safely reopen and sustain th...
EMSD online registration will open on Monday, July 18th . Click HERE to begin.
In-person registration will be held at Glenview Middle School (3100 7th Street, East M...
Find all 2022-23 registration information HERE.
New student Online registration for students Kindergarten - 8th grade opens April 1, 2022.
Returning student registrati...