Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 20th is an Early Dismissal Day. Glenview will dismiss at 10:55 am, elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30 am.

Ridgewood Spirit Wear is on sale now. Orders due by December 1st.
Order here: https://ridgewood-cubs-winter-24.itemorder.com/shop/home/

Welcome to Rooms! Rooms is your district's communication platform that connects you with teachers and their classes. In Rooms you can keep up with classroom Announcements, student(s) Behavior, and message teachers directly! Check out the links below to learn more.
Welcome to Rooms → https://support.edurooms.com/kb/guide/en/welcome-to-rooms-yzRxITaQVE/Steps/2470546
Navigating Schools App → https://support.edurooms.com/kb/guide/en/navigating-your-schools-app-RTg8EaObAw/Steps/3142868

Dear Families,
November is Picture Book Month! We will be celebrating in all of our elementary schools with a special dress up day!
THE DATE: Friday, November 22nd

Register for free here → https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=z3o18T63i0CXPyryGdK6fa2lPBsjCRdNtcuSceZsF7VUODlJQTNQOUMzNjhCNk9BWlJVS1RGVEM5RS4u&origin=QRCode

Veterans Day spirit week begins tomorrow!

-Tonight is Parent/Teacher Conferences
-There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Friday, November 8th, due to AM Parent/Teacher Conferences

EMSD is celebrating Veterans Day week by wearing theme colors each day next week.

November EMSD Newsletter

Be sure to schedule a time for Parent Teacher Conferences! Elementary schools/ELC will schedule with your teacher, Glenview will schedule through Skyward through 11/6/24. Skyward directions → https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtnEvR7V2faBcg0XTH9DT3f1H8X8qbCA/view?usp=sharing

-NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day
-November 7th - PM Parent-Teacher Conference
-November 8th, NO SCHOOL - AM Parent-Teacher Conference

October Newsletter

October marks a special time in Illinois as we celebrate Principal Appreciation Month, a chance to recognize the incredible dedication and leadership of our school administrators. Here are some fun facts about your principal.

Be sure to schedule a time for Parent Teacher Conferences! Elementary schools/ELC will schedule with your teacher, Glenview will schedule through Skyward between 10/30-11/6. Skyward directions → https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtnEvR7V2faBcg0XTH9DT3f1H8X8qbCA/view?usp=sharing

EMSD Board of Education Meeting - Monday, October 21st, 6:00 pm at Glenview Middle School Agenda → https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1527/EMSD_37/4944016/October_21__2024_Board_of_Education_Meeting_Agenda.pdf

Today is the end of 1st Quarter.

Trunk or Treat

Downtown East Moline fun!!

We hope you enjoyed your fall break!
EMSD is back to school tomorrow, Tuesday, October 15th.