EMSD Board of Education Meeting - Monday, December 14th, 6:30pm
Zoom information available in the attached agenda.

This week's staff spotlight is Mrs. Slyter! We want to thank Mrs. Slyter for all she does at Ridgewood. She works hard to make sure all her students feel included in her classroom and it means the world to them and us! #EMSD37Pride

A special thanks to South Moline Township for donating fifteen Target gift cards to support Ridgewood families during the holidays. Pictured are Alex Mayszak-Principal & Tracy Best-Supervisor of South Moline Township.

Hi East Moline Families- We have one more week before a much deserved winter break. Join us and participate in a Winter Spirit Week starting Monday. Show up to your Google Meets in high spirits. Post your pictures on social media using #emsd37pride.

Don't miss out on this years brand new spirit wear design. Orders can be placed online and will be available to pick up at Ridgewood on December 18th.
Order at:

We are starting a new Ridgewood Staff Spotlight this week. Each week we will feature a different staff member here in the building. First up is Mrs. Ryan. We want to thank Mrs. Ryan for all she does at Ridgewood. She builds a great community in her classroom and truly loves her students!

EMSD's food distribution will continue each Monday for any child age 18 and under. Even if your child does not attend school or goes to a different district, you can pick up meals for FREE. Just show up at one of the following locations to take advantage of this great program!

REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL for EMSD November 25th-27th.

November Newsletter

EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Monday, November 16th - 6:30pm. Zoom information can be found here-

EMSD's food distribution will not be changing during the in-person closure. Students will receive food for the entire week on Mondays.

If you wish, please join us next week and participate in our Thankful Spirit Week. Post your pictures on social media using #emsd37pride - We cannot wait to see all your pictures!

We want to give a huge shout out and thank you to Alex Curry, former Ridgewood student and Boy Scout, who has been working on his Eagle Scout project at Ridgewood. Alex gathered volunteers to stencil & paint the blacktop area of the school over the weekend. The kids are loving it! Alex's second phase of the project will be building and adding a Gaga Ball Pit for our students to use. #EMSD37Pride

The East Moline Library is hosting a virtual Family Reading Week on their Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/eastmolinelibrary, the week of Nov. 16th - 20th. Watch Live or any time after the recordings are posted.

Updated food distribution flyer.

REMINDER: There will be NO SCHOOL November 2nd -4th for EMSD students.

Ridgewood Elementary Newsletter

End of Quarter
Friday , October 23

Drive Thru Tech Support

The East Moline Library is having a Book Walk. Families can come walk along and read the story "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown." It's a free event with no sign up required. Masks and social distancing will be required.