The East Moline School District Transportation Department is an available service for your child's transportation to and from school. If you have questions, problems, or changes, please contact 309-752-2572.

If your child is going to be absent from school, please call transportation (309-752-2572) and the school office (309-865-6900) before regular pick up time. If absent three (3) days or more in a row, the bus will stop picking up your child. You must call transportation at 309-752-2572 to restart bus service.
Please have your child ready when the bus arrives. The bus driver will not wait if he/she does not see anyone. Be ready ten (10) minutes before and allow (10) minutes after the scheduled bus time. If a parent is not at home when the bus returns with the child after school, the transportation staff will try to call the child’s family. If the transportation staff is unable to contact the child’s family, they will attempt to contact the Early Learning Center office staff.
Car Riders
If you plan to bring your child to school, please do not just drop him/her off at the door; rather check-in in the office. Do not bring your child more than five (5) minutes before the regular starting time (8:25 a.m. and 11:55 a.m.). If you are picking up your child after school, let us know ahead of time so we do not put him/her on the bus. Please be prompt. For the 22-23 school year, the morning session ends at 11:00 a.m. and the afternoon session ends at 2:30 p.m.