over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
weekly news updates
9-17-21 Announcements -Come wave at the Glenview Mariachi Bands who will be walking in the LULAC Independence Parade on Sunday at 12pm! Students, be here on the water tower side of the school by 11am. Mrs. Hill will have the candy and supplies for you to decorate her truck! -The main lost and found table here at Glenview is located across from the library entrance. Please take a look if you are missing something. -Students up to 6th grade interested in Jr Panther Basketball can pick up a flyer in Student Services today. The deadline to sign up is September 20th. Don’t miss out!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
There will be cross country practice today after school. We will NOT be attending the Galesburg meet.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
9-16-21 Announcements -Latinx Workshop will meet today after school in Ms. Cumberworth's classroom. Anything brought for today's Fiestas Patrias Pachanga should be taken to room 277. Please bring your journal. -One By One members are reminded to check their grades in Skyward. Eligibility to travel to Northwestern University requires A, B, and/or C grades in all classes + no behavior referrals. You can do this! -Gator Pack permission forms need to be turned in as soon as possible. If you are interested in getting a gator pack on Fridays, please ask your homeroom teacher for a permission form or get one in student services. Email your counselor with any questions. -The main lost and found table here at Glenview is located across from the library entrance. Please take a look if you are missing something. -Students up to 6th grade interested in Jr Panther Basketball can pick up a flyer in Student Services today. The deadline to sign up is September 20th. Don’t miss out!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
9-15-21 Announcements -The main lost and found table here at Glenview is located across from the library entrance. Please take a look if you are missing something. -Students up to 6th grade interested in Jr Panther Basketball can pick up a flyer in Student Services today. The deadline to sign up is September 20th. Don’t miss out! -7/8th Grade Mariachi students please get tuned and ready for rehearsal as soon as possible today after school. A reporter from news channel 4 will be here to interview some of you and to hear us play! -Mark your calendars!! One By One kicks off today with an after school meeting in the library. This is a required meeting for students who turned in their permission slip. Please bring markers or colored pencils. Get details on a busy year we have planned! -Latinx Workshop for this week has been moved to Thursday after school. Members bringing food for our Fiestas Patrias Pachanga are asked to go to room 226 before per1 on Thursday. -The GSA will meet this Thursday from 2-4:30. If you need a permission slip, please see Ms. Potenberg in Room 282. Please turn in your permission slips as soon as possible! Also, wear your favorite color on Thursday for Homecoming Spirit Week! Looking forward to seeing the entire rainbow represented! -The first meeting for Student Council will be September 22 from 2:45-3:45. We are asking for 5th-8th grade students who are interested to join us in room 274 in Mrs. Vroman's room.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Attention girls in 4th-8th grade...
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Jr Panther Elite Girls Travel tryout flyer
9-14-21 Announcements -Students up to 6th grade interested in Jr Panther Basketball can pick up a flyer in Student Services today. The deadline to sign up is September 20th. Don’t miss out! -7/8th Grade Mariachi students please get tuned and ready for rehearsal as soon as possible today after school. A reporter from news channel 4 will be here to interview some of you and to hear us play! -Mark your calendars!! One By One kicks off tomorrow with an after school meeting in the library. This is a required meeting for students who turned in their permission slip. Please bring markers or coloring pencils. Get details on a busy year we have planned! -Latinx Workshop for this week has been moved to Thursday after school. Members bringing food for our Fiestas Patrias Pachanga are asked to go to room 226 before per1 on Thursday. -The GSA will meet this Thursday from 2-4:30. If you need a permission slip, please see Ms. Potenberg in Room 282. Please turn in your permission slips as soon as possible! Also, wear your favorite color on Thursday for Homecoming Spirit Week! Looking forward to seeing the entire rainbow represented! -The first meeting for Student Council will be September 22 from 2:45-3:45. We are asking for 5th-8th grade students who are interested to join us in room 274 in Mrs. Vroman's room.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
weekly news updates
"Marathon" Enrichment Clubs & STARS Clubs information can be found here: https://eastmolineschooldistrict37il.sites.thrillshare.com/o/gms/page/after-school-activities
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Next week is UTHS's Homecoming Week. Let's join in the fun!!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
UTHS Homecoming Spirit Week graphic
Spirit wear orders due by September 12th. Order here: https://glenviewmiddleschoolspiritwear2021.itemorder.com/sale
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spirit Wear graphic
9-10-21 Announcements -Members of Latinx Workshop are asked to check the group's Google Classroom for details on next week's Fiestas Patrias Pachanga. Sign up for your contribution! -Today is the last day for students who applied to One By One to turn in their permission slip to Mrs. Newton.Permission slips will not be accepted after today. Don't miss out! -The first meeting for Student Council will be September 22 from 2:45-3:45. We are asking for 5th-8th grade students who are interested to join us in room 274 in Mrs. Vroman's room. -Glenview Student Apparel orders are due this Sunday September 12. Go to the Glenview Facebook page to find the link!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
9-9-21 Announcements -Members of Latinx Workshop are asked to check the group's Google Classroom for details on next week's Fiestas Patrias Pachanga. Sign up for your contribution! -Tomorrow is the last day for students who applied to One By One to turn in their permission slip to Mrs. Newton. Permission slips will not be accepted after Friday. Don't miss out! -The first meeting for Student Council will be September 22 from 2:45-3:45. We are asking for 5th-8th grade students who are interested to join us in room 274 in Mrs. Vroman's room. -Glenview's GSA will meet today at 2:30 PM in room 282. Everyone is welcome! If you need to ride the Activity Bus home, please let Ms. Potenberg know in advance. -Glenview Student Apparel orders are due this Sunday September 12. Go to the Glenview Facebook page to find the link!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
In cooperation with the East Moline Police Department, Glenview Middle School instituted a passive lockdown security procedure for approximately 5 minutes this afternoon due to an issue in the community. This issue has passed. All students were safe throughout the entire procedure and responded according to our practice.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Attention 8th Grade football players and parents: This Thursday's home game will be moved to Monday the 13th. The game will still be at Gauley Field in Silvis at 4:15pm. Address of Gauley Field: 513 12th Street Silvis -Admission is free -Concession stand & Restrooms available -Bleachers are available but you may want to bring your own chair Any more questions please email a coach or the Athletic Director. Talia Gryp, Athletic Director [email protected] Austin Hepner, Head 8th Grade Coach [email protected] Matt Trouten, Asst. 8th Grade Coach [email protected]
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
9-8-21 Announcements -Latinx Workshop will meet after school today in Ms. Cumberworth's classroom. Please bring your journal and something to write with. Check the Latinx Workshop Google Classroom for more details. -One By One will kick off its 9th year with an after school meeting on September 15th. We will share details on our fall visit to Northwestern University. Students must turn in their signed permission slip to Mrs. Newton by this Friday. -The first meeting for Student Council will be September 22 from 2:45-3:45. We are asking for 5th-8th grade students who are interested to join us in room 274 in Mrs. Vroman's room. -Calling all LGBTQ+ students and allies: Glenview's GSA will be meeting for the first time tomorrow Sept 9th at 2:30 PM in room 282. Everyone is welcome! If you need to ride the Activity Bus home, please let Ms. Potenberg know in advance. -Glenview Student Apparel flyers are coming soon! If you get on the Glenview Facebook page you can click on the website and order Glenview apparel from there. All orders must be placed online. The deadline is September 12th. -Just a reminder to 6th through 8th grade students: PE clothes and calculators are still on backorder. Mrs. Talia will make an announcement when they are in. Thank you for your patience!
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
The times for the races for Wednesday's Cross Country meet at Richmond Hill in Geneseo are: 6th Grade @ 5pm 7th Grade @ 5:30pm 8th Grade @ 6pm Address for Richmond Hill: 600 H K Robinson Dr Geneseo IL
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Tonight's 7th Grade football game at John Deere has been moved to Wednesday September 8th. Game time will still be 4:15.
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang
Spirit Wear graphic
Attention 8th Grade football players and parents: This Thursday's home game will be moved to Monday the 13th. The game will still be at Gauley Field in Silvis at 4:15pm. Address of Gauley Field: 513 12th Street Silvis -Admission is free -Concession stand & Restrooms available -Bleachers are available but you may want to bring your own chair Any more questions please email a coach or the Athletic Director. Talia Gryp, Athletic Director [email protected] Austin Hepner, Head 8th Grade Coach [email protected] Matt Trouten, Asst. 8th Grade Coach [email protected]
over 3 years ago, Jessica Lang