Save the date!

1-14-25 Announcements
-Builders Club is having a fundraiser on January 21st at Godfather’s Pizza! Come have dinner between 4 and 8pm. Godfather’s will donate a percentage of sales back to Builder’s Club!
-Builder’s Club meets this Thursday in Room 149.
-The next Yearbook club meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 28th. Car riders, please have your rides here at 3:45.
-Bracelet club meets today.
-Student Council members, our January meeting will be held this Wednesday, the 15th. 7th and 8th grade members, please remember to bring your completed Youth Conference slips if you plan to attend the field trip.
-Reminder that Lights ON starts back today after school.
-Join us today to kick off the girls' basketball season!
7th Grade- plays Colona at 4:30 PM
8th Grade- plays Hampton at 5:30 PM
Let's pack the swamp. Go Gators !!

EMSD is working to streamline our social media accounts by solely focusing on all the great things happening in our schools throughout the district. All community posts will now be in one convenient location on our websites, on the Digital Backpack page.
Digital Backpack → https://www.emsd37.org/o/emsd-37/page/digital-backpack
Outside organizations wishing to submit a flyer/information to be posted in the EMSD Digital Backpack, please click the link below.

🎉 Exciting News Alert! 🎉 Get ready for simplified navigation with our NEW East Moline Schools Mobile App, launching soon!
🚀 Say goodbye to confusion and hello to seamless navigation at your fingertips! Whether you're exploring classes, events, or time-sensitive updates, our revamped app will make it easier than ever to stay connected and informed.
Download the ACGC Public School app from the iOS (https://aptg.co/L3fY7l) or Google Play Store (https://aptg.co/rHmvvf). If you have already downloaded the app, stay tuned for more details and prepare to unlock a world of convenience right from your mobile device!📱✨

1-13-25 Announcements
-Bracelet club meets tomorrow.
-Student Council members, our January meeting will be held this Wednesday, the 15th. 7th and 8th grade members, please remember to bring your completed Youth Conference slips if you plan to attend the field trip.
-Reminder that Lights ON starts back tomorrow on the 14th after school.
-Congratulations to our wrestling team competing at a tough Geneseo Wrestling Tournament held this past Saturday! Placing in their respective weight classes:
Bruce Howard- 3rd Place
Ryder Welcher-4th Place
Elijah Sanders-Lomas-4th Place
Abozar Fakhri-5th Place
Dakarion King-6th Place
Tysean Collins-6th Place
Travis Kinkead-champion
Congratulations to all our wrestlers for their impressive performances! Keep up the great work as we look forward to the next dual this Thursday at UT. Go Gators!

Please take a few minutes to read through this week's The Gator Gazette.
-GMS NEW schedules for QTR 3 Pick-up Information
-GMS Wrestling Winners
-GMS Builder's Club Pizza Night - Stop out to support
-Grade 8 Transition to UTHS information
-Rebecca Caudill Readers' Award
-...and MORE!
Have a GATOR Week! 💙🐊💛

January District Newsletter

Today is the End of 2nd Quarter.

Today's "The Secret Life of Teachers Podcast" features Mrs. Gallagher.
Take a listen here → https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1527/GMS/5038785/SLOT_Episode_111_-_Gallagher.mp3

1-10-25 Announcements
-Student Council members, our January meeting will be held next Wednesday, the 15th. 7th and 8th grade members, please remember to bring your completed Youth Conference slips if you plan to attend the field trip.

Mental Health in Children Resource

1-9-25 Announcements
-Tomorrow is the LAST day for One By One members to order their ramen noodle bowl for next week's meeting. The order form is posted in the One By One Google Classroom.
-You are all invited to our Band Concerts tonight at United Township High School! The Beginning Bands are at 6pm, Concert Band and Symphonic Band are at 7:30pm and the Jazz Band will play between the concerts.

Girls Basketball Schedule

The Girls Basketball Team store is officially OPEN today! Support our Gators and grab some awesome gear.
Multiple colors and styles available.
Order here → https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/9pyNPgzDhg?utm_source=flyer_qr&utm_medium=pdf&utm_campaign=store_shop&utm_content=store_link

1-8-25 Announcements
-Karaoke club meets today after school in Room 353 on Wednesday for 5th Grade only.
-Latinx Workshop meets today in the library, 2:30-4:15. Learn exciting details about the next part of The Dignity Project and how we will continue to support all girls at our school! Work will also begin on the Women's HERstory event. Speak with Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions.

Save the date!

1-7-25 Announcement Add-on
-7th grade girls tryouts are today and tomorrow after school until 4PM in the south gym see Coach Winders if you have any questions.

1-7-25 Announcements
-Karaoke club will meet after school in Room 353 on Wednesday for 5th Grade only.
-Latinx Workshop meets tomorrow in the library, 2:30-4:15. It's time to get creative as we prepare for the Women's HERstory event in March! Speak with Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions.
-One By One invites members to choose their ramen noodles for next week's meeting! The form is posted in the One By One Google Classroom. Orders are due by this Friday.
-Attention 7th and 8th grade creative writers: This month the after school writers group will meet today and 21st. See your ELA teacher for a permission slip. Hope to see you there.
-There is no Lights ON for Learning this week. The program will resume on Tuesday, Jan 14.

EM Public Library event for all ages; runs from January 11th -February 28th. The Kick-off event will be held at the library on January 11th from 12-2pm. There will be hot cocoa, crafts, giveaways and more. Participants of the challenge can log their reading and activities on the Beanstack app or website ( https://eastmolinelib.beanstack.com/reader365 ) and earn tickets for the grand prizes. If there are any questions, please email [email protected] or call 309-755-9614
There is also a coloring contest running at the same time which is for all ages. There will be a prize for each age group. The forms can be picked up in cardstock at the library starting January 11th at 12pm or printed from our website - https://eastmoline.librarycalendar.com/event/winter-reading-coloring-contest-8357
This is all free to the public and you don't have to live in East Moline or have a library card to participate.

1-6-25 Announcements
-Latinx Workshop will meet after school on Wednesday in the library, 2:30-4:15. We will begin work for the Women's HERstory event in March. We need all members to attend. Questions? Speak with Mrs. Mojica.
-Girls basketball cheer practice starts today after school in the cafeteria.
-Attention 7th and 8th grade creative writers: This month the after school writers group will meet on Tuesday, January 7th and 21st. See your ELA teacher for a permission slip. Hope to see you there
-There is no Lights ON for Learning this week. The program will resume on Monday, Jan 13.