12-13-24 Announcements -Stop by Drama Club’s show this weekend starting tonight! The show is Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory! Tonight’s show is 630pm, Saturday’s show is 630pm and Sunday’s show is 2pm. Doors open 30 minutes before each show. We hope to see you there! -Next week is spirit week and BRR, it's cold outside! For Monday, wear as many layers of clothes as possible! Could you be wearing any more clothes? -Attention 7th and 8th grade creative writers: Do you like to write; have fun with words? Join us after school Tuesday, December 17 for the Open Book Writers’ Group. Ask your ELA teacher for a permission slip.
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Hope to see you there tomorrow!
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
gator guild flyer
12-11-24 Announcements -Latinx Workshop invites members to a winter get-together today in the library, 2:30-4:15. Enjoy desserts and platica as we say good-bye to 2024 and plan for Women's History Month in 2025! -One By One will hold their December meeting tomorrow in the library, 2:30-4:00. Does your study squad have what it takes to work together to accomplish a goal? Stop by to have fun and find out! -Crochet club meets today in Room 252 -Attention 7th and 8th grade creative writers: Do you like to write; have fun with words? Join us after school Tuesday, December 17 for the Open Book Writers’ Group. Ask your ELA teacher for a permission slip.
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Proud to release the wrestling schedule for the upcoming season! Get ready to support our incredible athletes as they hit the mat and show off their skills. *Edit from the 12-10-24 post.
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
wrestling schedule graphic
Questions, please contact the school nurse at [email protected].
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
mobile dental clinic flyer
12-9-24 Announcements -Attention 7th and 8th grade creative writers: Do you like to write; have fun with words? Join us after school Tuesday, December 17 for the Open Book Writers’ Group. Ask your ELA teacher for a permission slip. -Bracelet club meets tomorrow in Room 159. -Attn: All soccer players. There is no soccer practice today, but you must have your field trip permission slip tuned in by tomorrow morning to attend the field trip to TBK Bettplex after school tomorrow. Please see Mr. Aguirre, Mr. Saint Fleur or Ms. Fitz if you have any questions.
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Good Morning Gators! Check out this week's The Gator Gazette and mark your calendar for all of our December events! Enjoy your day! https://secure.smore.com/n/vnuh7
about 2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Navigating to Messages in Rooms Messages is a great way to share two-way communication with your student's teacher in Rooms. Click the following link for more info. https://support.edurooms.com/kb/guide/en/messages-XJ7qQvN1m9/Steps/2470550
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Rooms graphic
Today's "The Secret Life of Teachers Podcast" features Mrs. Wells. Take a listen here → https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1527/GMS/4973466/SLOT_Episode_108_-_Mrs._Wells.mp3
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
podcast graphic
12-6-24 Announcements -Today is the last day for One By One members to turn in their College BINGO playing card for a chance to win gift cards. BINGO cards with essays should be turned into the library by 2:30. Good luck! -One By One members attending next Thursday's meeting are asked to order their snack no later than Sunday at 5pm. Order form is located in the Google Classroom. -The staff vs volleyball game last night was won by the teachers. Both teams played great, and everyone had a blast. Thank you to all of the staff that helped make this happen by volunteering to help and play, and thank you to everyone that showed up in the stands to support!
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Save the date!
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
show flyer
The EM Library is hosting a virtual livestream of the author Raina Telgemeier. She is a graphic novelist and has written the popular graphic novels like Smile and Guts. She will be discussing her books and answering questions from viewers. The first 20 people that attend at the library will receive a voucher that can be redeemed for her new book releasing in April called the Cartoonist's Club (one book per family). Questions, please contact the EM Public Library.
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
east moline library graphic
12-5-24 Announcements -Tomorrow is the last day for One By One members to turn in their College BINGO card and essay for a chance to win gift cards. Completed BINGO cards should be turned in to the library by Friday at 2:30pm. Good luck! -One By One members are asked to check the group's Google Classroom for this month's snack order form. Deadline to order is Sunday at 5pm. -Latinx Workshop will meet next Wednesday in the library, 2:30pm-4:15pm. All interested 7th and 8th grade students looking for a positive circle of hermanas that center the Latina experience are welcome to join! Registration forms may be picked up in the office. Email Mrs. Mojica if you have any questions. -Don't forget... tonight is the staff vs student volleyball game. The game will be right after school until 4pm. If you plan to attend, please go to the south gym right after school. You won't want to miss out on the staff beating the 8th grade volleyball team yet again this year! Hope to see you there! -Due to the weather, the soccer season has ended. However, all soccer students need to pick up a field trip form from their soccer coach for next week’s soccer field trip on Tuesday, December 10 to TBK BettPlex for an exhibition game. You must have a signed permission slip from a parent/guardian to attend.
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
12-4-24 Announcements -Due to the weather, the soccer season has ended. However, all soccer students need to pick up a field trip form from their soccer coach for next week’s soccer field trip on Tuesday, December 10 to TBK BettPlex for an exhibition game. You must have a signed permission slip from a parent/guardian to attend. -Yearbook club meets today in Room 302. -Until further notice, Bus 51 students need to ride Bus 30.
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
East Moline Main Street Toy Giveaway & Christmas Parade
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
toy giveaway parade graphic
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
12-3-24 Announcements -There is no soccer club today. -Don't forget this Thursday is the annual staff vs students volleyball game!! The game will be right after school until 4pm. Come help us fill the gym as we watch the staff beat the 8th grade volleyball team yet again this year. We still need a line judge and staff to cheer alongside our cheerleading team. If anyone is interested in doing one of these, please email Miss Boyette. -Yearbook club has been changed to Dec 4th so students can attend the staff vs. student volleyball game on the 5th. -Attention 7th and 8th grade writers, poets and word nerds. Do you like to write, and have fun with words? Join us after school for the Open Book Writers’ Group. Ask your English Language Arts teacher for a permission slip. The first group is today after school. Hope to see you there. -Until further notice, Bus 51 students need to ride Bus 30.
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Hello Gators! Take a few minutes to read through this week's The Gator Gazette for all of our latest updates. Our Gators have been very busy and that continues into December. A quick reminder that STAR Assessments begin this week. Please encourage your GMS student to get a good night's rest, charge their Chromebook/device and make sure that they bring it to school every day. Please note: Loaner devices are available for students who are having their device fixed through the EMSD TechBench. Good Luck on the Winter STAR Assessment Gators! Have a GATOR week! 💙🐊💛 https://secure.smore.com/n/9zxn4
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
12-2-24 Announcements -There is no soccer club today or tomorrow. -Attention all 5th through 8th grade boys and girls! Join us today after school in the Easy Gym for wrestling practice. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, everyone is welcome to participate and learn some new skills. You must have a physical on file to participate. Any questions see Mr. Singleton. -This Thursday is our annual staff vs. student volleyball game. The game will take place right after school until 4:00. Help us fill the gym and cheer on the Glenview Staff as they beat the 8th grade volleyball team yet again this year! We are still looking for more staff to cheer with our cheerleaders. If you are interested, please email Miss. Boyette. -Yearbook club has been changed to Dec 4th so students can attend the staff vs. student volleyball game on the 5th. -Attention 7th and 8th grade writers, poets and word nerds. Do you like to write, and have fun with words? Join us after school for the Open Book Writers’ Group. Ask your English Language Arts teacher for a permission slip. The first group is December 3. Hope to see you there. -Attention 8th grade students interested in playing football at UT: Please pick up a calendar for off-season weightlifting in the front office. If you are currently participating in any other sport here at Glenview, you are not allowed to attend weightlifting sessions until you’re out of season. If you have any questions, see Mr. Singleton. -Until further notice, Bus 51 students need to ride Bus 30.
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
Today's "The Secret Life of Teachers Podcast" features Ms. Leslie. Take a listen here → https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1527/GMS/4973464/SLOT_Episode_107_-_Ms._Leslie.mp3
2 months ago, Jessica Lang
podcast graphic