Returning student Online Registration information coming soon!

There are spots still available for our May 17th date. Please call the Early Childhood Office to schedule an appointment!

Earn up to $18.12 per hour doing something that most parents do for free!
@EMSD37 is hiring part-time bus drivers now! Training provided for applicants who qualify. Apply online https://tinyurl.com/DriveEMSD37

EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Monday, April 26th - 6:30pm in-person at the Administration Building or online. Zoom link available in the Agenda.

An Update to the P-EBT benefit issues.
Within the last week, we have seen some families start to receive the P-EBT benefit cards that were announced by the State of Illinois. Please be patient as EMSD has no control over the delivery or rollout of the cards. We have seen cases where families with multiple children are receiving cards for one or some of the children but not all. We can only reiterate that EMSD has NOT opted out of the program and we are submitting our data as requested and the cards will eventually come for all.
Again, please be patient and be meticulous going through your mail as we have been told that these cards come in a plain white envelope addressed only to the child.

Looking for work (or know someone who is)? We just may have the perfect solution!
@EMSD37HR is hiring two full-time custodians. Earn $21.61 per hour. Full benefits apply. Don't miss out! Apply online before midnight May 4, 2021

Skyward Family Access

EMSD Spirit Week

We thank YOU!!

Get our new EMSD app!!

REMINDER... There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Friday, April 2nd, and NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, April 5th.

The deadline for the Illinois 5 Essentials Survey is April 2nd. If you haven't already, please take a few moments to complete this survey.

UTHS Homecoming Poster Contest
All submitted posters will be displayed in the hallways at UTHS during Homecoming Week.
Be sure to include your name, grade, and school name on the back of the poster.

We still have spots available for our April 19th date. Please call our Early Childhood Office to schedule an appointment!

March EMSD Elementary School Newsletters

The deadline to complete the Illinois 5 Essentials Survey is quickly approaching. If you haven't already, please take a few moments to complete this survey.

EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Monday, March 29th - 6:30pm
Zoom information available in the Agenda here: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1185538/March__29__2021_Board_Of_Education_Regular_Meeting_Agenda.pdf