Please enjoy this list of resources that are available for use over the summer.

June Food Distribution

Returning Student Online Registration is open NOW through Thursday, June 10th. All registration information can be found at the link below.
Please note that registration is not complete until two proofs of residency have been emailed to your school's registration email address.

Standards-Based Grading Update

May Newsletter

All Kindergarten and 1st Grade students who are remote must drop off their iPad, case, and charger at their student’s school office TODAY during normal school hours.

Today is the end of 4th Quarter, and the last day of school.
Wishing all of our EMSD students, families, and staff a wonderful summer break!

UTHS Spirit Wear

Effective Tuesday, May 25 at 7:00am, all student passwords will be changed.

All Kindergarten and 1st Grade students who are remote must drop off their iPad, case, and charger at their student’s school office on Friday, May 28th.

This week's Bobcat Spotlight shines on Ms. Rumler. We would like to thank Ms. Rumler for all she does each day. She is an amazing Kindergarten teacher and works diligently every day to ensure that her students are academically and socially prepared for their future. We are proud to call her part of our Bowlesburg family! #EMSD37Pride

Returning Student Online Registration open NOW through Thursday, June 10th.

EMSD Board of Education Meeting: Today, Monday, May 24th - 6:30pm. In-person or online. Zoom link available in the agenda... https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1279157/May_24__2021_Board_of_Education_Meeting_Agenda.pdf

Important changes to EMSD student passwords.

Congratulations to our EMSD Retirees!

EMSD Spirit Week: May 24-28

UTHS Summer Volleyball Camp
Forms available in your school office or the UTHS office.

East Moline Library Summer Reading Program

Appointments for our last screening on Wednesday, June 2nd are still available. Please call our Early Childhood Office to schedule an appointment if you're interested in your child attending our program next school year!

Mrs. Hockaday is the feature of this week's Bobcat Spotlight! We want to thank Mrs. Hockaday for all she does at Bowlesburg. She is a true advocate for students. Her warm and friendly personality impacts all of those around her. We couldn't do it without her! #EMSD37Pride