Dear Families,
November is Picture Book Month! We will be celebrating in all of our elementary schools with a special dress up day!
THE DATE: Friday, November 22nd

Save the date!
Click the following link if you can volunteer that evening → https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4AA4AE2DA5FAC16-53227710-culvers

Hope to see you this Friday night!

Register for free here → https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=z3o18T63i0CXPyryGdK6fa2lPBsjCRdNtcuSceZsF7VUODlJQTNQOUMzNjhCNk9BWlJVS1RGVEM5RS4u&origin=QRCode

Veterans Day spirit week begins tomorrow!

-Tonight is Parent/Teacher Conferences
-There is NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Friday, November 8th, due to AM Parent/Teacher Conferences

EMSD is celebrating Veterans Day week by wearing theme colors each day next week.

November EMSD Newsletter

November Newsletter

Be sure to schedule a time for Parent Teacher Conferences! Elementary schools/ELC will schedule with your teacher, Glenview will schedule through Skyward through 11/6/24. Skyward directions → https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtnEvR7V2faBcg0XTH9DT3f1H8X8qbCA/view?usp=sharing

Save the date!

-NO SCHOOL TOMORROW, Tuesday, November 5th - Election Day
-November 7th - PM Parent-Teacher Conference
-November 8th, NO SCHOOL - AM Parent-Teacher Conference

October marks a special time in Illinois as we celebrate Principal Appreciation Month, a chance to recognize the incredible dedication and leadership of our school administrators. Here are some fun facts about your associate principal.

Be sure to schedule a time for Parent Teacher Conferences! Elementary schools/ELC will schedule with your teacher, Glenview will schedule through Skyward between 10/30-11/6. Skyward directions → https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OtnEvR7V2faBcg0XTH9DT3f1H8X8qbCA/view?usp=sharing

Bowlesburg’s Girls on the Run team completed the Zombie 5k in The Village on Saturday. I love the support the girls give each other. Great job girls!

EMSD Board of Education Meeting - Monday, October 21st, 6:00 pm at Glenview Middle School Agenda → https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1527/EMSD_37/4944016/October_21__2024_Board_of_Education_Meeting_Agenda.pdf

Bowlesburg had their Great Pumpkin Run on Friday. There were pumpkins, running, tattoos, games and a lot of smiles.

Today is the end of 1st Quarter.

Hope to see you tonight!

Downtown East Moline fun!!